
I am Njeke Joshua Egbe from Cameroon. Growing up in a very poor rural area, other orphans and I experienced the consequences of malnutrition. This inspired me at a very young age to start setting up food gardens for local orphanages. When the civil unrest started in Cameroon in 2017, I had the idea of using organic farming as a peace building tool. Upon return from kanthari at the end of 2019, I founded Peace Crops. Till date I worked with more than 9 rural affected war communities, 11 orphanages, 8 schools and other entities to practically carry out agriculture projects. My rehabilitation and correction projects aim to equip displaced orphans and women with knowledge needed to combat unemployment, hunger and to stop the ongoing conflict. Additionally, My team and I were able to provide emergency intervention food baskets for 1500 covid-19 affected people in marginalized rural areas.

As a dynamic young graduate of Geography, specializing in integrated rural development, organic agriculture and environmental conservation, I founded Agri-Life Association, a community development and ecological sustainability nonprofit in 2014. By the year 2019, the young Cameroonian who was faced with hunger and malnutrition in the interiors of the Bakweri mountainous rural community started the Peace Crops Program to help his community and others that were affected by the civil unrest. The following objectives have guided this integrated organic farming and rehabilitation programs which has today become one of the leading programs across the South West Region of Cameroon.
• Promotion of nature-based solutions and leveraging on indigenous knowledge and practices in promoting organic and traditional farming.
• Strengthening community-based mechanisms to increase the engagement and mobilization of local stakeholders in the promoting eco friendly agricultural practices and peace building.
• Promoting and diversifying environmentally-friendly livelihood options for the social and economic empowerment of communities.
Guided by the above objectives from 2014 to present, the core activities of eco friendly agriculture, peace building and community development have focused on practical mindset transformation through orphanages and community gardening, grassroots environmental education, advocacy, movement building, capacity development of community structures merged with livelihoods improvements.